Thursday 23 May 2013

Top Ten Style Tips

Top ten style tips

1.everyone can be don't have to be  outgoing,rich, or is not about bold statements and expensive fashions;it's about being creative and knowing what goes well together and what looks good on you.

2.make an effort.think about what you like and the look you want to achieve.

3.don't scrimp on the things you love to wear.if you wear jeans all the time,or love great looking shoes,buy what really suits you and you'll never regret it.
Save money on the less important things.

Go to different shops and try on clothes you don't normally wear.if you're not sure they look good on you,take a friend for a second opinion.

5.accessorize.a bag,hat or a necklace can add a dash of style to the dullest outfits.even a hair clip can brighten your look.

6.don't wear anything that isn't comfortable.if you don't feel good,you don't look good.

7.never wear clothes that are too small for you.they don't make you look slimmer-just the opposite!

8.make the most of what you've got.if you're short on cash and bored with your clothes,take time to make up new outfits.pull two random items out of your closet and put them might come up with a grea new look-and you'll have fun doing it!

9.customise.think creatively about how you can jazz up your clothes to make them uniquely you.dyes,patches,buttons, and bows can be a cheap way to super- styledom.

10.pick a role model or a style icon-a celeb,a singer,even a big sister!
Notice what they wear-what style of jeans,what kind of accessories-then re-create the look to suit you.

Hope you like them and use them ^_^

P.S inspiration:Sarah delmage

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